Benedikt Terwiel on

Benedikt Terwiel’s work puts stakes down and sets markers in space, as if fixing coordinates could vanquish alienation. Before cameras, land surveyors would carve measurements directly into rocks, trees, or the sides of mountains, using a technique known as metes and bounds Download the hp 8100 driver. By tracing a line to measure its length, they physically experienced its translation into two dimensions. »

On an extended visit to Los Angeles in 2015, the artist walked past the same derelict, boarded-up motel on Sunset Boulevard nearly every day Download the iCloud control panel. The structure was infamous enough to have a nickname, the Bates Motel (it had once been the Sunset Pacific, shuttered and surrounded by a barbed-wire fence since 2002), and yet for Terwiel it had an unreadable quality Download Queen's Classroom. Its layers of paint over graffiti on signs covering paint had the effect of flattening the structure, almost in the manner of a portrait. The week before he left California, the artist took pictures of the building, furthering this process 태블릿 파일.

One photo in particular—untitled and dated 2015—featuring a matte blue sky, a straight and tall palm-tree trunk, and the hectic scribble of a Yagi TV antenna, is now installed in an approximately seven-by-ten-foot ivy-fringed vitrine in the Kreuzberg neighborhood of Berlin Download the movie Happy. The displacement is fitting; that part of Sunset in LA’s Silver Lake area and Kreuzberg share a certain still-gritty yet gentrifying quality. Like a topographer, Terwiel is also placing viewers within his process of abstraction Download world flag. This is especially interesting given that the motel was painted entirely white, palm trees and all, by the French artist Vincent Lamouroux just after Terwiel photographed it 맥에서 윈도우 다운로드. Then it was demolished—a final flattening. With his gesture, the artist has documented and, in surveyors’ terms, set a monument, to the abstraction of a place by the forces of reality 트랜스포머.